Happy Hour Ideas to Boost Sales at Your Bar

June 14, 2023

Happy hours are one of the biggest marketing campaigns that a bar or restaurant can run. Whether they take place from 5-7pm or 11pm-close, a food or drink incentive can boost your business if done correctly. Although they are common, they are not always successful and profitable. We have come up with some key tips to ensure that your happy hour will be a hit.

1) Timing
You can plan your happy hour at really any time or day of the week, as there are many profitable approaches to do so. To attract your customers, plan the happy hour when they will be available and wanting a drink-perhaps after work, on Sundays, or later at night. Some happy hours are most profitable on Mondays or Tuesdays (right after the weekend) so that customers habitually come to your bar on these days too. If your crowd is younger, consider offering a late-night happy hour or a second happy hour past 11pm when the usual crowd has left. Whichever route you choose, remember to always stay mindful that timing does matter in the world of happy hours.

2) Entertainment
One other driving force that lures in happy hour goers would be some fun entertainment.  The right vibe combined with fun activities will bring customers in and convince them to stay awhile.  Outdoor seating creates a fun atmosphere and then people passing by will be tempted to check out your happy hour deals.  Some examples to entertain your guests are dart competitions, trivia games, karaoke, or beer pong tournaments. Mix it up every day by offering a different activity such as Trivia Tuesday, so that customers have a reason to come back.  For example, TablelistPro venuennsylvania hosts a comedy night with special deals. Entertaining activities will allow customers to mingle with each other, order more drinks, and in the end make you a bigger profit.

3) Specials
Having an awesome food and drink menu is crucial for a successful happy hour.  One way to do this is by offering at least one premium item on the menu at a good deal so that customers feel like they are getting a steal.  Specials that aren’t offered on the usual menu will also incentivize customers to order more to try something new. Food specials will make customers stay longer and encourage them to order another round. One of our TablelistPro venues, Grooves of Houston, has specials such as 75 cent drinks and half-off appetizers. These unusually low prices bring a huge crowd in and have guests buying way more than they originally would.

4) Marketing
The only way for customers to hear about your amazing happy hour deals is to promote it through marketing. You can try a new hashtag such as #WineWednesday or #TequilaTuesday to post with, and customers attending will do the same. This will attract customers who may not have heard of your venue before, and create your brand. Simple marketing and posting on social media will guarantee a good crowd.

Your happy hour plan is now solidified, so next, get your venue running with a powerful venue management system, TablelistPro. If you want to drive sales, track data, and organize staff with ease on a single digital platform, visit our website to learn more and book a free demo.

Give your guests a better night out 🎉